Torn Paper Paintings

The paintings above are covered with tiny pieces of torn, monoprinted paper. I print onto old maps, sheet music, book pages and rice papers, using acrylic paint on a gelatin printing plate. The monoprints provide an exciting range of color and texture as the paper is torn to mimic a brush stroke in a painting. Most of these are painted onto wood panels and covered in a shiny coat of resin for protection. Some are on paper, and would require framing under glass.
Oil and Cold Wax

These oil and cold wax paintings are from a series called Interlocking Light & Dark: Scenes from a Domestic Life. In the series I am studying the interlocking shapes of light and shadow. The paintings feature fresh produce on translucent dishes in strong morning light. From a distance these could be abstract non-objective paintings, but up close you see the details of the fruits, vegetables, linens, dishes, and kitchen utensils.
Larger Paintings

Mixed Media

Commissioned Work
The following are photographs of completed commissioned paintings:
An Everlasting Garden

This three panel painting was completed for a local family. It contains various features from their beautiful backyard. It is a magical scene since all of the flowers are blooming at the same time and everlasting. If you look closely at the photos below, you may be able to see pieces of painted paper in the details of the stone, flower pots, petals, leaves and sky.

Sunflower Field
This scene is from a trip to Provence, France where I ran through a field of sunflowers to take reference photos. And yes, there was a bee out there with me.

A Painted Rain Barrel for the Forest Conservancy of Fort Thomas Kentucky
I was asked if I would like to paint a rain barrel for a fundraiser. I thought, “No, I don’t want to paint a rain barrel. The shape of a rain barrel is always industrial and ugly!” Well, little did I know that they had quite a beautifully shaped rain barrel that they wanted painted. When I saw this, I said YES!


Occasionally, I am asked to do a portrait of a beloved home, usually this is a surprise gift for a loved one. Both of these house portraits are watercolor paintings that were painted on paper, then framed. In both cases, the person who commissioned me to paint the original, asked for a second framed copy for themselves. That is a service that I can easily provide.

And, of course, with a good reference photo, I have been successful at capturing the likeness of a favorite pet or two.
If you are interested in commissioning a painting, or purchasing a piece of my work, please reach out to me.
Find Terri at the Pendleton Art Center
Studio 510-A, 1301 Pendleton Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 USA
© Terri Schmitt Art & Design, 2024. All rights reserved.